The Gerhard E. Dekker Regenerative Education Center (GED-REC) is a non-profit organization offering nature based programming and holistic learning opportunities for children, families and people of all ages living in South-Eastern Manitoba, Treaty 1 territory, in the homeland of the Métis, Anishnaabe, Nêhiyaw and Očhéthi Šakówiŋ people.

We incorporate elements of forest school and multidisciplinary learning in fun and dynamic programming, creating inspiring educational environments where individuals are supported as they learn and explore the many facets and possibilities of our amazing world.

Our events are inclusive and accessible, often free to attend and subsidized by grants and fundraising. Many of GED-REC's program participants have noted that there is a lack of nature focused programming in their communities, and we are happy to be meeting this need! We believe that when we learn about and engage with nature in positive ways, we also learn to care for the land, ourselves and one another.

At the core of our values is a deep respect for the natural world and an understanding that we are part of the Earth. Spending time outdoors, learning from Indigenous knowledge keepers, and developing programs which cultivate resilience, wisdom and compassion, and honour and support life on Earth, are integrally important to us.

We welcome new volunteers and participants! Join us as our journey unfolds!